[CH] Tabasco Pepper question

Linda Reynolds (lr21@cornell.edu)
Thu, 7 Jun 2001 12:30:54 -0400

BTW, I like Alex's description of a hotflash!  My sister lives in 
Huntsville but I don't know any of the eating establishments in the 

So anyways, I bought my husband 2 Tabasco pepper plants.  The tag 
says that they go from green to yellow.  Do they eventually turn red 
like most peppers?  If not, what in the blazes makes Tabasco sauce 
red.....or don't I want to know?  Can't find serranos around here so 
I guess I will have to start my own next year.

Thanks in advance!
(who is looking at the garden and sees that there is still more room 
and contemplating putting in more hot peppers)
Any suggestions to add to:  Jalapeno, Long Red Cayenne, Carribean 
Hot, Thai Hot, Tabasco