Re: [CH] Tabasco Pepper question

Eric Wersel (
Thu, 07 Jun 2001 14:29:17 -0400

If they're anything like the Tabasco I grew last year, they'll go from
yellow to a deep orange (almost red).

BTW, what're you wearing? ;)


At 12:30 PM 6/7/01 -0400, Linda Reynolds wrote:
>BTW, I like Alex's description of a hotflash!  My sister lives in 
>Huntsville but I don't know any of the eating establishments in the 
>So anyways, I bought my husband 2 Tabasco pepper plants.  The tag 
>says that they go from green to yellow.  Do they eventually turn red 
>like most peppers?  If not, what in the blazes makes Tabasco sauce 
>red.....or don't I want to know?  Can't find serranos around here so 
>I guess I will have to start my own next year.
>Thanks in advance!
>(who is looking at the garden and sees that there is still more room 
>and contemplating putting in more hot peppers)
>Any suggestions to add to:  Jalapeno, Long Red Cayenne, Carribean 
>Hot, Thai Hot, Tabasco