[CH] Re: !st time growing worries

Dave Anderson (Chilehead@tough-love.com)
Sat, 16 Jun 2001 12:23:24 -0700

If they are still inside on the window sill, the flowers need to be 
pollinated unless you have bees in your house. Just gently brush 
the blossoms with your hand every day and you should soon see 
some little chiles.

> Hi,
> I decided this year to try and grow some chilli plants for the first 
time. I live in UK so grew them on a warm window sill. They appear 
to have grown fine and are about 18 inches high. My main worry is 
that so far there are lots of flowers and buds waiting to flower but 
as of yet I can only see 1 chilli fruit (if it is classed as a fruit?) 
actually growing. Do the flowers somehow turn into fruit or have I 
done something hideously wrong. The plants are mostly jalapenos 
but I really want a good harvest of them.
> I hope that you can help me in some way


Dave Anderson
Tough Love Chile Co.