[CH] Re: Juicer (was Heat vs. flavor)

Alex Silbajoris (asilbajo@hotmail.com)
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 11:26:15

>From: "Elden E. Martin" <eldenemartin@earthlink.net>

>I cheat...I have a KitchenAid mixer with the juicer attachment

I never ran one of those - what happens to the seeds and pulp?

The food mill is a good suggestion, too.  I have one with three different 
screens with different sized holes.  That's better suited for large batches.

For those of you who haven't tried to make a pepper sauce, I encourage you 
to to try it.  It's another way to learn the uses of peppers, plus you get 
your own, unique sauce.  If you make a hot version, you can use it as a 
condiment; if you make a mild version, it can be the heart of a c-h recipe.  
Do it many times, and you can become proficient enough to know what you want 
and how to make it, before you make it.

And, of course, your kitchen becomes a mess.  Every spot pleases El 

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