OTness: Re: [CH] Chile-Heads Digest V8 #623

Inagaddadavida (rael64@qwest.net)
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 16:26:11 -0700

On Tuesday, December 17, 2002, at 03:55  PM, Starwind wrote:
> Funny, I used to think this list was a great place to hang out.

It is a great place really.  I've been on the list for, oh, 7 years? I 
can't even remember actually.  Everything goes to shit, er, sheeeeeet, 
occassionally when topics come up that are, typically, OT, and people 
have heated o-pines about the TOT (topic off topic...cute, eh?), *and* 
someone goes and gets personal...shazzam...little flame war on the 
chileheads list, irony notwithstanding.  I'm a Mac user myself.  
Switched from PCs.  Have my biases, yup, but generally, they ain't 
worth going to war over (oooh, there's a political dig in case someone 
is *really* bored....email privately, plz).

Point? Macs, PCs, who gives a fuck?

(Too blunt.  Sorry.  Pardon the langauge too.  Ah well.)

Peace, brothers and sisters, peace.

Or salsa.  Can't go wrong there.

Monk of the TCS
Master of Twister
Mystic Order of Capsicum Rogues