Re: [CH] Re: Breast Feeding & Blood Types

Marilyn Reese (
Sat, 28 Dec 2002 22:43:58 -0800

So, perhaps the Raelians are correct, and we ARE descended from aliens....

As to the blood-type diet, my sister brought up this very topic today.  She
and my mother are both type A, I'm an O, like my father.  The sister and
mother don't much like spicy food, I'm like my father in preferring things
hot.  We speculated that perhaps things that aren't good for you according
to your blood type you don't particularly care for naturally.  If given a
choice, I'll pick a big juicy steak, the sister and mother would take a


----- Original Message -----
From: "M. & L. Doster" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 28, 2002 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: [CH] Re: Breast Feeding & Blood Types

> >To change the subject, there is a book about blood types by Dr. Peter J.
> >D'Adamo in California.  He says that Type A blood types should avoid all
> >hot peppers, and even bell peppers.  I am Type A, but I have never had
> >trouble with eating peppers.  Apparently Type Os can eat all they like.
> >Type As are the vegetarian type, who have "delicate" digestive tracts;
> >Type Os are the original Neanderthal descendants, who are
> >stomach-acid-producing meat eaters.  Anybody else have any comments on
> >this?  ...
> Sorry that I'm a little slow in commenting on this message.
> The DNA work in the last few years has shown that probably no modern
> are descendents of the Neanderthals. Mitochondrial DNA is tougher than DNA
> in the nucleus and so some of the mitochondrial DNA has been able to be
> sequenced for remains of
> Neanderthals. When compared to the DNA sequence of  thousands of modern
> humans, it turns out that Neanderthal DNA is very different. No modern
> has been found that has the same or even similar DNA to the Neanderthals.
> This means that modern humans are not descendents of Neanderthals (or at
> least no modern human has been found so far that is a descendent). By the
> way, anyone can get their mitochondrial DNA sequenced for about $200. So,
> anyone can test to see if they are a descendent of the Neanderthals.