[CH] Chile-heads FAQ

Russell Spanard (RSpanard@attbi.com)
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 16:44:05 -0500

> -----Original Message-----
> o I already have a small Chile Pepper FAQ page on my website:
>    http://www.abarnhart.com/chile/info/index.htm
>   (My site is completely noncommercial).
> o I have plenty of additional webspace available.
> o I would be pleased to host an "semi-official" chileheads FAQ
> page (separate from my current one.)
> Andy Barnhart
> quark@erols.com

Andy, I think that that is a most generous offer. While the methods of
maintaining the FAQ would ultimately be determined by the composite wisdom
of The List, I would like to offer some initial suggestions:

- Any list members who have their own "pet peeve" questions that seem to pop
up like weeds could submit both the "Q:" and the "A:" of these issues to
Andy to incorporate into the list.

- If a "List Newbie" presents a redundant question (e.g., "What is Open
Fields?"), perhaps a veteran could send the "Q: & A:" information to the
Inquirer and copy it to Andy to add to the list. (If the information is
already on the FAQ, then we can simply redirect the inquirer to the FAQ.)


P.S. (This is NOT Off Topic as she is listed as a Capsicum Rogue on Jeff
Schickowski's wonderful site: http://ChileheadsOnline.com )
My daughter, Aubree, will reach her very first birthday on January 22, 2003.
I have yet to truly introduce her to El Grande's bounty but started a C.
praetermissum plant on her Birth Day that I hope to breed into something
wonderful for her. If anyone on the list would like to see a picture of her,
check the "Photos" tab at http://rspanard.home.attbi.com . )Also, question
for Jeff: How should I go about updating her picture  on your site and may I
request a Capsicum Rogues card for her (and myself)?