[CH] Spam-just my opinion

Harold James (mdspice@hotmail.com)
Wed, 26 Feb 2003 16:36:53 -0500

I get over 80 e-mails a Day for xxx, sex, lose weight etc. You can not block 
them all. I have blocks, anti virus programs (thanks Paul), and I see 
companies advertise each Day on the list in some form or another.

Sometimes mistakes happen and I am one that hates Spam and I have been 
guilty because of someone’s helping me. I still think that it happens and it 
is not that big of a deal.

He should know better next time. We all get enough crap in our life so why 
add more over this.  This is just my opinion on things.

Mason Dixon Spice
Eat It!!! Every Day!!!

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