[CH] Got Chile In The Mail!

RisaG (radiorlg@yahoo.com)
Wed, 26 Mar 2003 16:39:58 -0800 (PST)

Well, I got a box today that I was waiting for. I did
know that there were some chiles in it (dried) but
didn't know what kinds my friend was sending me.

She sent me 6 bags -

New Mexican Hot

4 of the bags got crushed by the car as Steve drove
over them! Didn't know they were there (either did I).
The other 2 bags got here just fine, no crushing.

What I want to know is...what kind of chiles do you
think the negro chiles are? I thought that pasilla
were called negro in CA. Am I wrong? Then why do I
have negro and pasilla? 

My friend lives in Las Vegas during the winter and
then comes back to RI where she lives the rest of the
year. While she is in Las Vegas, she takes at least
one trip into CA. While there, she stocks up on dried
chiles for herself and me. Every year she sends me a
box with at least 2-3 bags of dried chiles. This time
she sent me 6. Yikes. She sets me up for the rest of
the year because I don't use dried chiles that often. 

Anyway, right before she leaves for RI, she sends me a
box. It came today, in the rain. Horrible rain. Why
didn't my mail lady throw it on my porch where it
would've been dry? Why didn't she ring my doorbell to
let me know the box was in front of the garage?? I
wish she had done one or the other. 

Anyway, what are the negro chiles? Anyone in the CA
area, let me know.


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