Re: [CH] Chapeau de frade Pepper

Mike Benson (
Thu, 10 Apr 2003 15:52:36 -0500

> I do have to disagree about one thing Ted wrote, "and seeds are
> hard to come by." USDA site reports, Snip:
> Availability
> Material is available for distribution. The normal amount
distributed is 5
> seeds.
> Just order seeds from them!
> Hope this helps,
> Paul

Please keep in mind that this program is for scientists and
researchers, not for the average gardener.

Quoting :
"In 1990, the U.S. Congress authorized establishment of a National
Genetic Resources Program (NGRP). It is the NGRP's responsibility to:
acquire, characterize, preserve, document, and distribute to
scientists, germplasm of all lifeforms important for food and
agricultural production."