[CH] re:seeds started

david roy andrews (dandrews@wightman.ca)
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 12:08:42 -0400

morning! just planted the seeds of the following: Thai Dragon- from Doug
Irvine (the bit of dried pepper in with the seeds had some nice heat

from Paul (the NorthEastChileMan) Received seeds last Friday, much
thanks - Cayenne slim, Caypeno, Charleston hot, fish (Bayou Tracker),
Habanero orange devil, Indian PC 1, Serrano chile.
 I have a few others to start but if all these germinate I will need to
tear out some lawn BEG. I would like to know how big these I have listed
get, whether any of them would be good in containers and if any need to
be overwintered as I am in a zone4b. If any of the above listed do not
fit the bill I would like to know the types that do well in containers
and can be overwintered. Much thanks and appreciation David Roy Andrews