[CH] java

VoodooChile (rael64@qwest.net)
Sun, 13 Apr 2003 18:01:06 -0600

Well, Brother Jim (C.) has hit the big time, baby...

The College Market (coffeehouse and books) her in Pocatello Idunno has 
started making Mexican mochas with: cinnamon, cafe royale, and a shot 
of Backdraft (plus whatever the hell else goes in).

Well, okay, so they're only making them like that for me...

Tell ya what, one shot in a 20 oz. cup is toasty indeed.  Guy standing 
there as I tasted mine and "mmmm'd" in response was curious and the 
barista gave him a little that was left.  Oooh, sez the guy, that does 
have a nice little wang to it.  Indeed.  Nice balance.  Chocolate, 
cinnamon, cream, and a little chile.  Makes one wanna get nekkid, you 
know?  Where are my jungle boots?.....

On top of the world, Brother Jim, on top of the world.  Maybe it will 
help me with my philosophizin'....

Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles.......


"Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do."  - 
Bertrand Russell -

"What luck for rulers that men do not think." -Adolf Hitler-