Re: [CH] Recipe: Molho de Pimenta e Limao

Alex Silbajoris (
Wed, 09 Apr 2003 15:04:23 +0000

>From: "Dave Anderson" <>

>I recently added Malaqueta seeds but didn't have any recipes. Except for 
>the garlic
>and the substitution of lemon for lime, this is very close to the recipes 
>in my Xni-Pec

I know; change the lemon to lime, the malaguetas to serranos,  mash the 
garlic instead of mincing it, and add salt, and you pretty much have the Old 
Sour recipe that I have posted a few times over the years.

The magazine cites this sauce as a substitute for the Tabasco that people 
normally put into the Brazilian "feijoada" black bean-and-meat stew.  It's 
one of the few times I've seen a combination of beans and citrus flavors.

- A

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