Re: [CH] Re: Chipmunks

dan combs (
Thu, 07 Aug 2003 19:18:05 -0500

At 09:40 PM 8/6/2003 -0400, Dorothy Sheets wrote:

>Anyway, I went to Home Depot, bought one of those Hav-a-hart (no kill)
>traps. Caught 'em and relocated 'em (one at a time) to the woods a few
>miles away. They haven't come back. Cat AND peppers are both doing fine.
>Good luck with YOUR chipmunk relo program!

Sorry, but those of us who live in the woods would prefer you _not_ 
relocate your problem animals to our neighborhoods, for a couple of very 
valid reasons.  One is the woods are generally in a population balance with 
rodents and animals and relocating animals to a balanced ecosystem probably 
is a sentence of misery for something anyway.  It's not witnessed by the 
people who do the relocating, but that means nothing except like in 
Shakespeare, the violence is always offstage.

A second reason is I personally don't want any animals moving into my patch 
of land that are already trained in the art of looting trashcans and 

I do occasionally trap a 'coon or 'possum just to take it back into the 
city and turn it loose in the suburbs.  More often than not though, it's 
The 12-Gauge Solution.  I've already killed our downspout and a garden hose 
this year with scattered buckshot spray.  Don't make me do more damage.
