[CH] peppers and weird Midwest weather

Dorothy Sheets (dsheets@ameritech.net)
Tue, 26 Jul 2005 20:36:47 -0400

Yep, I am still here, too. In DEE-troit, the weather has been soooo hot 
and humid that I have peppers ready already. In July???

For those of you in other zones, that doesn't usually happen here in 
Michigan. I picked a ripe NuMex today, roasted it and put it in pasta. 
That's very weird. Our typical pepper ripening schedule here is at the 
end of August to the beginning of September, so I am definitely blaming 
the weather. A side note: the NuMex was very MILD (tasty, but mild)! 
Ack! Usually, my peppers are a bit hotter, as well. I also have serranos 
and jalapenos ready -- so Rael's butter recipe is going to come in very 
handy. Thanks, Don!

Guess I'll just celebrate my EARLY pepper harvest here in Michigan and 
be thankful that I have a few extra weeks to use up my bounty. Anybody 
else have early crops this year?

Dot in DEE-troit (Ristra Princess)