Re: [CH] Middle Earth Clothing
Tue, 12 Dec 2006 12:52:34 -0500

There certainly isn't anything moderate about the level of BS on this  
thread ;)

Any suggestions regarding a design or slogan?

Quoting Sandy Olson <>:

> I totally agree, Lt. Major!  Problem is that Jeff is an excellent
> artist; we are a moderate group.  Do you think he can dumb down his
> designs to only moderately good ;^)  Or should be be elevated to an
> excellent group of moderates?  Or a moderately excellent group?  Oh,
> what a dilemma!  But, I know we will all rise to the occasion and the
> resulting T-shirt will be a sought after item, bringing moderates out
> of the chile patch and into the sun, no longer afraid to declare their
> preferences.  We will proudly stand and display our colors.  Today,
> T-shirts, tomorrow, flags and banners to use in various public displays
> of support of...whatever moderates support.  Like crushed chile flakes,
> Tabasco sauce, chipoltes, cornflakes (I want to be on the front of a
> cornflake box before I die).
> SandyO
> CH #1146, and Grand Poobah of the Moderate Corps