Re: [CH] venison

Chet Bacon (
Fri, 22 Dec 2006 17:09:49 -0500

Basically two ways of cooking deer, either fast and hot or long and slow 
If you have good cuts, like tenderloins or back strap even some steak 
cuts- a hot grill pan or grill - you want to remember there is not (or 
very little) a lot of fat so if you over cook them they will still be 
usable but for shoe leather (or stew it to save it).
I treat them like a nice cut of lamb - rosemary-salt-pepper.  Coat with 
EVOO, rub in the pepper, salt and coat with rosemary.  Nice hot pan or 
grill and slap them bad boys in there.  About 2-3 minutes per side times 
2.  I like a bit of char on the outside so I turn them twice and end up 
with a nice red/pink inside.
As for other cuts; a good stew or chile recipe - just sub the meat with 
deer.  Cook long until the connective tissue breaks down.
If you like sausage - have your local butcher make you some - you'll 
never go back!  A good German cutter will know what to do.
Actually deer is gonna be our Christmas dinner!  Roasted potatoes and 
onions/peppers/carrots/celery and herbs - a nice braised piece o-deer - 

Hope I have been of some help - remember if you got a good cut - rare is 
what you want.

and a Merry Christmas to all CH!

AKA ChesterChile

Ben Holm wrote:
> We've been given some venison by a friend.  Anyone have any
> preparation suggestions?  I'm not a hunter, so I don't know for sure,
> but I don't think it was young - eight points.
> Thanks,
> Ben