[CH] Re: Cleaning/Sanitization

John Gunterman (jgntrmn@gmail.com)
Tue, 19 Feb 2008 20:39:05 -0600

Funny this should come up just now, since home brewing is my latest
passion.. well wine really, I've grown tired of most beers, except for
some Russian Imperia Stouts Chapitalised to 11+% ABV abd extra
bittering and flavor hops...

I have settled on a cleaning product called PBW and a sanitizer called
Star-San... Both are availible from 5-Star Chemical.
Easy and quick and cheap..... all the good things, in one.

John G.
Drinking a home-made Amarone which was bulk aged in glass for year and
aged in a medium toast, Zemplen Forrest Hugarian Oak barrel for 6
(And we don't talk about the neighbors cat and Duct Tape, anymore ;-)