Re: [CH] List Future

Sandy Olson (
Tue, 17 Jun 2008 10:44:42 -0500

Well, =Mark..

I beg to differ with you re: Yahoogroups.  I belong to several and we very 
often get 'yahoohoozled' but mail that doesn't arrive, arrives days after 
it's posted, changes by Yahoo! that are annoying, such as a 'new and 
improved' version of the lists which is no improvement IMHO.

I like Yahoo! groups and I own two but...I don't think it is problem-free by 
any means.

I, too, would like a more active or hands-on moderator but I also know that, 
over the years I've belonged to this list, Mike B. has helped with problems 
and fixed what needed to be fixed several times.  Where life has taken him 
now...well that may be the issue.  Perhaps he's simply too busy to tend to 
this list and knows the people here are pretty self-sufficient so he allows 
us to monitor ourselves.

Just my moderate 2 cents worth ;^)

CH #1146