[CH] Cherries and Habs

Jonathan Smillie (jonathan.smillie@gmail.com)
Fri, 20 Jun 2008 14:22:32 -0400

So my wife, insightful and considerate woman that she is (I have to 
write that in case she's got a spy here on the list), calls me this 
morning and says "Amanda at work says her mother has too many cherries 
from her tree in the backyard. I told her you, being so into cooking and 
all, could help her out."

Not seeing the pit opening up before me, I said, "Sure. How many are we 
talking about?"

"Fifteen gallons. I've got them in the car."

As it turns out, it's only fifteen /quarts/ - but that's still a lot of 
cherries. However, I happen to have on hand a whole mess (that's a 
technical term) of Brother Jim's pureed habanero, not to mention other 
ingredients that could be combined therewith. So I'm seriously 
considering venturing into cherry-habanero-sauce-land this weekend - or 
similar projects if I can find a good recipe. Anybody have sage advice 
(or recipes) to offer on the matter?

