RE: [CH] Ah, memories...

Riley J. McIntire (
Mon, 23 Jun 2008 10:55:31 -0700

Doug Irvine [] spake thusly on Sunday, June 22, 2008
7:53 PM:

> is from Chile, and they just returned after a month down there. I
> really made a hit with Rosa when we had them for dinner, and I did
> Pastel de Choclo. Pain in the butt to make, but it was worth the
> response when I served it and cutting the corn cobs into bite size
> was the hardest part. Great Chilean dish, to which I added quite a

Hey Doug! How you doin? I checked out Pepperfool and didn't find that
recipe. Is it online somewhere? Or if you have it available I'd appreciate a
look at it. What's that about bite size corn on the cob? Suck on it and spit
the cob out? ;-)

> Cheers, Doug in a warmer BC

Cheers yirself! But I bet you ain't warmer than here in LA, although it's
s'posed to be a nice 90'ish today. Much nicer that 100'ish. Trade you?

"To be interested in the changing seasons is a
happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in
love with spring." —George Santayana