Re: [CH] Beware the Salsa

Jim Graham (
Sun, 6 Jul 2008 15:07:30 -0500

On Sun, Jul 06, 2008 at 03:10:54PM -0400, Jonathan Smillie wrote:

> I think what this primarily indicates (which is a bit scary if you
> ask me) is that the FDA doesn't actually /know/ what's causing the
> salmonella outbreak.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that they're looking
at multiple sources as the cause (i.e., it's not coming from just one
source).  Or have I completely misunderstood?

> Next it'll be onions, after that it'll be cilantro...

Cilantro is already on the list.

> I am being facetious of course, but I think it's interesting that you
> still see signs at various restaurants announcing that for the safety of
> their customers, they aren't serving tomatoes- even though the FDA has
> officially rescinded the announcement that tomatoes were the cause of
> the problems...

I looked, and could not find any such announcement (doesn't mean it's
not there...just that I didn't see it).  All I saw was FDA and CDC pages
saying tomatoes are still suspected as one of the possible causes (at
least, as of yesterday).  Of course, as far as tomatoes are concerned,
it's all a moot point to me...raw tomatoes are potentially lethal to
me either way.  Cooked and/or processed tomatoes are fine, but the raw
fruit triggers my pollen allergies (Oral Allergy Syndrome) and sends me
straight into anaphylaxis or, if I eat more than a few bites, full-blown
anaphylactic shock...*VERY* bad juju.


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