Re: [CH] Beware the Salsa

Doug Irvine (
Sun, 06 Jul 2008 19:26:37 -0700

Jim, and Jim C...I am so thankful that my diabetes is so mild, and that 
I can control it so well, that I have never had to take any medication 
for that problem. Now if my sense of balance would only return, I would 
be a happy old geezer! However, if I must have a stroke, I certainly 
prefer the two I had, where first I lost partial vision in my right eye 
and the second one took my balance. Both of these were determined by CT 
scans. I have a Dr who listens to me, and realizes that I know my own 
body better than he does or ever will. Good luck, Jim G with your 
problems. By all means carry your epi pen with you within reach of your 
hand, at all times. Don't tempt fate, you have only one life. Hang onto 
it for as long as you can.
Cheers, old Doug on Vancouver Island