[CH] Moderate Salsa

Sandy Olson (sandyo@myclearwave.net)
Wed, 27 Aug 2008 18:43:15 -0500

Hello Everyone...

I made a nice moderate salsa today by roasting all the hot peppers (some 
Hungarian yellows and some round red things whose name I don't remember. 
Looks like a cherry pepper but about three times as large) plus vine-ripened 
tomatoes and some New Mex to moderate the heat.  Then blended up the roasted 
veggies and their juice with garlic, sea salt, tomato sauce (because I 
didn't have quite enough tomato in it) and lime juice.  YUM!  A nice burn 
that didn't singe the inside of my nose.

No recipe; just used what I picked yesterday.

CH #1146 and Grand Pooh Bear of the Moderate Corps