[CH] recipe request - Pad Pak

Jim Graham (spooky130@cox.net)
Tue, 7 Oct 2008 19:35:03 -0500

Attention Thai cooks/chile-heads....  My first attempt at Pad Pak
(stir-fried vegetables with/without meat), using a recipe from the
Internet, ended up being a total disaster.  The flavors were *SEVERELY*
off-balance...so much so that I tossed it all (everything, including the
recipe, except for the remaining Jasmine rice---no reason to toss it!).

Does anyone have a good, tested recipe for Pad Pak?  It's one of my
favorites from the Thai dishes I've tried so far.  I'd really appreciate
a good, authentic Thai recipe for it, if anyone has one handy....


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         No, I'm not going to explain it.  If you can't figure it
         out, you didn't want to know anyway...      --Larry Wall