[CH] autoclavable hot sauce bottles?

Jim Graham (spooky130u@gmail.com)
Mon, 22 Jun 2009 16:40:32 -0500

Does anyone know where (in the US) I might find empty 10 oz hot sauce
bottles/lids that can be autoclaved (or put in my "Poor Man's Autoclave",
aka "pressure cooker at 15 PSI // 250 deg. F")?


73 DE N5IAL (/4)        | DMR: So fsck was originally called
spooky130u@gmail.com    |      something else.
< Running FreeBSD 7.0 > | Q:   What was it called?
ICBM / Hurricane:       | DMR: Well, the second letter was different.
   30.39735N 86.60439W  |    -- Dennis M. Ritchie, Usenix, June 1998.