[CH] Re: Rain

Doug Irvine (dougandmarie@shaw.ca)
Wed, 07 Oct 2009 17:42:22 -0700

Rain and I have been back and forth almost as long as we both have been 
members of the C-H list, about 1994 or so. I became concerned when she 
did not answer a couple of emails, so I gave her a phone call today. 
Happy to report that Rain is just fine, except that her computer has 
died! Leaving her with method of communicating with anyone. She is 
waiting for her brother to locate another computer for her, which he is 
in the process of doing.
So, for all those Heads who were wondering where Rain had gone, rest 
assured that she will indeed be back. She is not aware that I am doing 
this, however as we have been friends for about the same length of time 
as Rael and I GADZOOKS!!!, I am certain that she will be pleased to hear 
from anyone of the old list members, when she gets her computer back again!
Cheers, Old Doug in BC