Re: [CH] A question about freezing peppers before drying them

JohnT (
Sun, 15 Aug 2010 14:06:39 -0500

Freezing first is the way to go.  It ruptures the cell walls and the
dehydrating will go faster.  Because of the high humidity here in
Misery I have to dehydrate at 120°, but would prefer to go even lower.

On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 1:28 PM, Tom Greaves <> wrote:
> With all the 100 degree days in Dallas, I'm getting no pepper set. Thousands of blossoms, but nothing setting...except for the Tabasco's.  My one plant has hundreds of peppers in all stages of growth.  They get ripe and then fall off.  So this morning, I harvested about 100 ripe ones and put them in the dehydrator.  They took up about half of one of the 5 trays in the dehydrator.  Not very cost effective.
> So, I was wondering if I could harvest every few days and then freeze them and then when I get a big enough batch, go ahead and defrost and dehydrate. Has anyoine had experience with this?
> When I saw the video about the making of Tabasco sauce, I couldn't forget the comment about the pepper pickers carrying a color card showing the color of a ripe Tabasco.  The flavor of a perfectly ripe Tabasco must be better than any other stage.  That is what I want for My "Perfume Pepper Powder" that I hope to make this fall.  I have most of the peppers in big pots, so I expect to be harvesting well into the winter.
> Tom Greaves