Re: [CH] thick tongues

Calvin Donaghey (
Sat, 05 Jun 1999 16:16:26 -0500

David, et al-
Huckypucky!  I first started eating chiles because of severe allergies.  The
peppers cleared my head for a while and helped me breathe.  Very soon I realized
the chiles ENHANCED my taste capacity, maybe by improving the connection between
olfactory and thinkfactory---I don't know.  Even though my allergies are under
better control now, chiles still enhance flavors and my ability to taste and

David C. Yoshiba wrote:

> Greetings all,
> Evidently, there was a bit on one of the local TV networks that sounds like
> it should be confirmed. I didn't have the joy of seeing this program myself,
> but someone who did tells me the consequences of eating too many chiles was
> expounded to all. Apparenlty, in reaction to all that heat, the skin of the
> tongue is supposed to thicken and this impairs to some agree our sense of
> taste. This sounds like a bunch of compost to me. I may occasionally say
> things that are calous, but I don't believe I have calouses on my tongue.
> David Yoshiba