Re: [CH] Dormancy cycle

Byron (Byron.Bromley@Gsd-Co.Com)
Thu, 4 Nov 1999 12:12:28 -0500


Here some a questions, 
The "winters" there must be somewhat cooler than the "summer".
 And is there a difference of Daylength? 
Do they produce as well in Dec as they do in June?
Is there plant growth in Dec and Jan ?

Citrus trees live in Fla but they do not produce all year.

> From: Jim Campbell <>
> To: Byron <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [CH] Dormancy cycle
> Date: Thursday, November 04, 1999 6:23 AM
> I don't believe so.  In Jamaica Dave Anderson & I saw chiles that were
> several feet tall & several years old.  The limiting factor seemed to be
> disease and virus rather than any plant life cycle.  The chiles there
> grew vigorously year round.
> -Jim C