[CH] Nopales

Littlewood (small@aye.net)
Wed, 28 Oct 1998 13:42:48 -0500

Resending this in plain text, and to the correct address this time (my 
apologies to MBower!).     .....just to add my 2 cents of info.

***Eric:   Nopal.....if I'm not mistaken..... is from the oval pads of 
what we call 'prickly pear' cactus in the States.  Singe off the spines, 
peel, medium dice and cook/simmer in lightly salted water until tender 
and  still quite green.  Has a bit of a gelatinous (no, not quite slimy) 
texture.  Home based vendors were selling this out of buckets, 
campsite to campsite on the beach in Guayabitos (below Tepic and 
above PVallarta).  $1 or $2 bought the entire bucketful.  A delicacy 
....delicious scooped-up with those coarse, fried tortilla shells you 
only seem to be able to find in Mexico.  Washed it down with a 
pacha/shot of some kind of cactus liquor in a plastic milk jug we'd 
purchased while driving thru the town of Tequila.  A small chunk of
cactus left in the jug to show origin.  About $2.50/gallon and 
deliciously potent.  I love Mexico.

I've seen 'nopalitos' in strips, in glass jars at the local grocery.  
Have never tried them though... couldn't be as good.

El Yucateco makes a habanero _paste_ too.

***Also...for an authentic restaurant in Louisville, you might try 'The 
Mayan Gypsy'.  I hear it is great, but haven't been there yet.  The 
owner/chef used to sell his wares out of a lunch wagon and was finally 
able to realize his dream of his own restaurant.  Will have to go there 
alone as my friends/family aren't into heat....poor souls.

Jeannine Smallwood
Underwood, IN    USA