[CH] Re: wines (was Oz & NZ +Peppers)

Alex Silbajoris (asilbajo@hotmail.com)
Tue, 01 May 2001 12:39:46

>From: tucker <tucker@ticon.net>

> > Wines - Too sweet !

>I know there are at least two wineries in WI, and possibly others; so >to 
>say "American" wines are too sweet is not
>really possible.

After having some of the white wines from the Thomas winery in IN, I'm 
spoiled, and now most large-scale commercial white wines taste like 
chemicals to me.  (I seldom buy anything from California; lately I've been 
in dry white Italian wines.)  The Thomases also make a hard cider that has 
found its way into some batches of hot sauce with habs from James the Elder.

There are wineries in Ohio, too, but their wines are usually too sweet for 
me.  OTOH as the Great Lakes area has a lot of German influence, the region 
is dotted with excellent microbreweries.

Knowing that, I have to sit in this cubicle today.  Damn.

- A

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