[CH] One lurker's prospective on the value of warnings

Thu, 12 Sep 2002 19:23:39 -0400

We see warnings everyday. We see the simple '"wet paint"
on a park-bench' warning, smokers see the "hazardous to
your health" warning, most parents see the "some assembly
required" warning, and I could go on and on ...

Chili-Heads also see lots of warnings: "Wash hands after
handling and before touching eyes or other sensitive areas;
Use this product one drop at a time; Keep away from eyes,
pets, and children. Not for people with heart or respiratory
problems. (OT statement)

I have all read, followed, ignored, and even laughed at
warnings of all type. And freely admit -to a certain extent-
warning's can even be intriguing. The importance of a
warning is a personal value and will be different for each
of us. 

After many - many years of luring on this list, I feel
reasonably sure that any sharing of web site links is meant
to do just that - share a site one of us found amusing,
informative, or simply related to our favorite 'list topic'
chiles. Hopefully there will be more sharing of links -
however with the diversity of this list, I am sure that
some will find a few of them inappropriate and possibly
offensive. All I can ask, as a lurker is to forgive and get
back on topic as soon as possible. 

IMHO, we should go on with our chili loving, heat seeking
lives; enjoying the camaraderie of this list, active posters
and lurkers alike.

There, I have made my once every three years post and
will resume lurking and enjoying the thoughts, assistance,
recipes, and camaraderie of the list.

Pat Foley