Dave Drum (
Tue, 18 Feb 2003 20:31:46 -0600

At 05:16 PM 2/18/2003 -0500, Byron wrote:
>I wonder how much it cost her for phytosanitary inspections?
>I wonder how much she spends on catalogs and mailing?
>I wonder how much it cost for those mailing boxes?
>Since she has a business, I wonder how much she has to pay in Federal, state
>and local taxes?
>I wonder how much she has to pay for heat and electric to grow all those
>I wonder how much in property taxes she has to pay?
>Just part of the business.

Thanks for that. Many folks don't take into consideration the overhead of 
running a business when looking that the price of raw materials vs the 
price of the finished product. I'm in the satellite and electronics service 
business and our shop is one of only two in the area holding the line on 
service calls/shop rate at U$50/hr. And I still get people whining over the 
charge. I've quit explaining about overhead and just say "Fine. Fix it 
yourself."  <GGG>  That usually ends the whines and causes sputters. And, 
unless the customer has been awfully obnoxious, we go fix his problem. If 
the customer has been a special pain we recommend that he find someone who 
works for less and is more in his price range. And then we become booked up 
for the next 37 years as far as that customer is concerned.

You left out something from the list of things in the overhead that applies 
to both retail and to service - guarantee of the work/product. What does it 
cost to fix/replace what is wrong. On the vendor's nickle. And the freight 
- also on the vendor's nickle on the replacement items.

I better shuddup now as this could easily become a soapbox rant.....


Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen
Home of Hardin Cider & Yaaaaa Hoooo Ahhhhh Hot Sauce!!!