Re: [CH] First Post

Hobby Farmer (
Thu, 15 Sep 2005 01:21:35 -0400

John H. Sphar wrote:

> Tonight, I purchased a pint of Hagen Dazs Mango
> sorbet.  I will puree some peach habs tomorrow.  I
> want to incorporate them into the ice cream somehow.
> Never tried it.  I don't want to melt the sorbet and
> refreeze it, so if anyone knows how to blend chiles
> into sorbet or ice cream let me know.  Maybe the best
> way is to make some ice cream from scratch.

I'm partial to peach habanero ice cream.  I halve 8-10 orange 
habaneros, remove the seeds leaving as much of the ribs intact as I 
can.  I freeze the habs on a cookie sheet.  This is to soften them 
and break down the cell walls to release juice.  While they are 
still frozen, I run them through a hand-crank meat grinder using my 
fine plate.  I catch the ground habs and their juice in a small pan, 
and bring them to a simmer, covered, to further soften them.

Set the peppers aside to cool.  Dump a gallon of peach ice cream in 
a very large bowl.  As it softens around the edges, start stirring 
and mixing it.  If you just let it soften unmolested, it will loose 
its air and be ruined.  After a bit, you will have a very thick, but 
stirable bowl of ice cream.  Stir in your habaneros.  I use a half 
cup per gallon of ice cream and quickly return it to the container 
and put it back into the freezer.

The habanero and peach flavors go well together.  As long as you are 
eating the ice cream, there is little heat.  When that last spoonful 
is gone, you suddenly want - make that NEED - more of the ice cream.

Hobby Farmer