Re: [CH] CH- Poll

Jim Graham (
Tue, 17 Jun 2008 19:36:09 -0500

On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 07:18:36PM -0500, jim wrote:

> my vote's to leave it alone

Mine, too, as you could have guessed from my comments.  :-)

> Here's my poll:

Ah! Now here's one worth the time...and in the right place!  No need to
switch to a web browser, pull out the mouse to cut/paste a link, etc.....
just a simple reply (to the list).

> Who has got what in the ground (chiles)

* Habaneros --- looks more like a knee-high forest...LOTS of blossoms
  (too many to bother to count) and a bunch of green habs

* Tabascos --- last year's survivors (assuming they aren't weeds that
  grew out of the same spot where last year's stems are still
  standing...I suck at identifying plants by the leaves...I just wait
  until they produce peppers.....

* Tabascos --- from seeds from last year's peppers:  growing rapidly.

* Chile Pequin --- both survivor and from seeds:  growing slowly.
  I really think this pepper only likes Texas.

* Cayenne --- another massive knee-high forest.  LOTS of peppers, some
  already cooked with and eaten, some in the kitchen waiting, countless
  others not ripe enough to pick yet.

* Mint (ok, not a pepper, but):  producing flowers...something I've never
  seen it do before.  As always with mint, it's branching out, trying to
  find other pots to take over.

In all cases, the recent rainfall (they always seem to strongly prefer
natural rainfall over city water) should generate a massive growth spurt
in every plant.

In other's lookin' good.....


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