Re: [CH] Beware the Salsa

Jim Graham (
Sun, 6 Jul 2008 16:58:07 -0500

On Sun, Jul 06, 2008 at 04:26:26PM -0500, jim wrote:
> Re:  straight into anaphylaxis or, if I eat more than a few bites,
> full-blown anaphylactic shock...*VERY* bad juju.

> Fortunately, anaphylaxis is easily treatable *IF* gotten at early.

Which is why I have an Epi-Pen.  Sadly, however, it's currently back in
my room, which I'd never get to.  My cell phone is only a couple of
feet away...and I think I'll move my Epi-Pen in here, where it should

> I trust you have a medical ID bracelet that has your info on it.

I wish....  I don't even know where to get one (I gather I have to pay
to have one made, but where, and how much $$?).  I'd have to include a
lot of info:  absolute minimum:  potential for anaphylactic shock, the
fact that my veins are completely useless (thanks to chemo), and that
I have a Port (on the right) for easy/instant IV access (the last time
I had to call 911 because of anaphylactic shock, I didn't have a Port,
and they never did get a good stick ... by the time I got to the ER,
I kept saying to get an Oncology nurse---they know my veins, but
everyone kept saying the usual BS, "Don't worry, I can get a good
stick in even the WORST veins..." shortly followed by "Ok, I give
up, I'm going to go get another nurse.").

> I also enjoyed the discussions with you Jim, on the "overkill".  I
> certainly didn't mean to appear like I was arguing it

You didn't...I just got a strange feeling that someone else (no idea
who it would be...this was a very vague feeling) was just waiting for
the right moment to turn it into something more, which would degrade
into another long, drawn-out argument.  I'm probably just a bit
paranoid after so many recent topics that have gone that way....  :-)
Nobody ever did, and I'm glad I was wrong...but....

Btw, between the time your duplicate copy arrived (and got dumped
by procmail, which I've configured to only keep the list copy) and
the time it made the list, ten minutes passed.  Has anyone else been
seeing really long delays between direct copies and the copy from
the list?  Is heavily overloaded?


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