Re: [CH] poblano soup

Susan Welsand (
Sun, 3 Aug 2008 05:57:36 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 1 Aug 2008, JohnT wrote:

  I think chicken stock is
> acceptable to vegans.

I actually spat out a salsa one time at a salsa contest and when the other
judges asked what was wrong, I said, it tastes like chicken. Yes, someone
had put chicken stock in their salsa. I get asked to judge a lot of
contests and I have to decline but I always thought salsa was safe.
Chicken stock is defintely NOT okay for either vegetarians or vegans.

I've been a vegetarian for 31 years (thanks for all contest guessers).
Back then it was just my personal choice, not my misguided hope of being
 healthy. I've butchered plenty of animals so had no illusions of
how it got to your plate. I just didn't like the taste or the texture. I
quit cooking meat 3 years ago as I got tired of keeping a kosher kitchen.
And when I bought meat in the past I bought it locally where I knew what
the animals were fed, how they were raised and that they were not pumped
full of chemicals. The guy next to me at market sells elk meat and all I
can tell you from covering his booth is that it must be good as it

Pescetarian: eats fish
Lacto-ovo: eats dairy, eggs
Vegan: this is more a lifestyle choice. People have differing reasons for
becoming vegan. Its a tough way to live. I do eat and cook vegan often as
I am blessed with a bounty of a huge house garden and it just tastes yummy
to eat raw from the garden. It is also a great thing to take to a summer
potluck since you don't have to worry about it sitting out. Sometimes I
will bake vegan or have a vegan dinner party (thank god for Indian food)
just as a challenge of my culinary skills.

Capriole goat cheese (this is available nationally--if you ever get a
chance try it, it is divine), Yegerlener cheese and Traders Point dairy
yogurt. Yum. I'm going to put some more Capriole wasabi cheese on my
Bakehouse bagel and have another cup of coffee. And then some chocolate.

The Chile Woman