Re: [CH] poblano soup

Susan Welsand (
Tue, 5 Aug 2008 08:37:23 -0400 (EDT)

If someone wants to cook elk meat at open fields, I can bring some....

On Mon, 4 Aug 2008, Ted Wagner wrote:

> Ah.... Susan, you just had to mention my favorite dairy didn't you!  ;-)
>  My god, their ice cream... oh, and they have a wonderful, but small, farmer's market. 
>  Capriole goat cheese?  I'll try anything once.  Well, within reason.  I'm no Andrew Zimmern or anything but if it looks and smells good, I'll always try it.
>  Speaking of Elk... it is mighty hard to get where I am located.  Well, let me rephrase that.  Elk that is not less expensive than a tank of gas in a big truck like mine is hard to find.  ;-)
>  I'm itchin to see someone in Indiana start selling yak meat.  If you like Elk, you'll LOVE yak.
>  Ted