Re: [CH] Repeating repeating posts posts

Brent Thompson (
Thu, 16 Jul 2009 09:32:46 -0700

> ReplyAll goes to the list also goes to the send thus people are
> receiving duplicates of the message in their Inbox.

Yes, I suppose this is true; I must not have been paying proper attention.
Oops, I shouldn't have said anything, unless to say getting duplicates
(triplicates?) hasn't been any big deal to me, whether from chileheads or
the many work lists I'm a member of, which of course also have the same

For example, I always get two copies of ALL chileheads messages, because I
am subscribed twice -- a new one that works correctly and an old one that
still delivers mail to me, but technical complications prohibited sending
from or deleting (hence the new subscription).  So, fine, I have to hit 'd'
a few extra times.  I get many hundreds of e-mails every day, so a few
extra 'd' because of chileheads is just in the noise.  Composing a single
message or reply uses way way more time, concentration, and keystrokes than
required to delete all the chileheads duplicates that come for weeks.

And because chileheads messages are text-only, it takes an awful lot of
them before they attain a total size approaching a single, typical, modern
graphics-included e-mail message, so download speed on slow network link
probably isn't a major issue.

Oh, well, I guess I'm just used to dealing with duplicates.

 ---   Brent