Re: [CH] Sardines in Hot Sauce

Rael64 (
Tue, 16 Feb 2010 06:25:51 -0800 (PST)

Well, great.  So I'm going to have to learn to choke down sardines just so I can be as old as Doug and his lovely bride. (Well, I guess that would make me twice as old, adding up their ages; I think I'd win a prize or something for that.  And man, what a lot of little fishies!)

No, I'll just have to revisit Sardine Land.  Tried them many years ago and didn't like them.  But I'm one of those born-again picky eaters.  Used to eat little more than box cereal, Pop Tarts, Mountain Dew, and fewer veggies/fruits than one has fingers on one hand.

Then I became a cook.  Learned to eat lots of stuff.

Then I became an ex-cook.  Learned to appreciate and enjoy eating most everything, plus some (yak, dog, or that may have been cat?, etc.).

Anyway, time to seek out some sardines.

(Am patiently waiting to try some anchovies again (again x 3? 4?).  Bought these big white monsters for my SO who loves anchovies.  These are supposed to be unlike other anchovies, i.e. Real Anchovies (so all those others were imposters? flat worms? maggots? eeeuuuwwww, sez I).  We'll see...

(Damned online food vendors: )

Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles.......
Rael" heads, fish heads, rolly polly fish heads..."64

--- On Mon, 2/15/10, Doug Irvine <> wrote:

> JOSE! We up here in Canada get sardines in a can all the
> time. We even get them with CHILES! Or mustard, tomato,
> plain sardines. But the only ones we buy are the ones with
> the hot peppers, of course.
> I mush them up with a little mayo, hote pepper flakes(mine)
> and some relish, and turn them into GREAT sandwiches for
> lunch. We have been eating them that way for many many
> years...perhaps that is why we is SO old?
>  Cheers,
>  Doug in BC