[CH] OT Mushroom Picking

Jose Cisneros (jccisn@gmail.com)
Sun, 15 Aug 2010 17:09:36 -0400

Hey Chileheads,

I know this is off topic.... But I was wondering what luck others on this
list might have had with wild mushrooms this year.
The morel season was sucky here this spring, But..... aside from
the drowning of Chicago and the Cubs going down the tubes
again this year it's been a a good couple of weeks (the last two of July)
here on the other side of the lake. (Lake Michigan)
Chantrelles, Oysters, Boletus reticulatus,
And in keeping with the nature of this list I want to assure you that I sprinkle
chile powder on each and every wild mushroom dish that I create. ;-)
Any one pick wild mushrooms?
